early this morning
Me and basil. Awakening.
Me and basil. Awakening.
On a whim, I suggested we have a picnic dinner in the yard the other night. Only a short time before we set out, did I remember it was that time of year where there is a big meteor shower. … Continued
Red huckleberries, fuchsia berries; and a single, insanely fragrant blackberry. Grass seed in dappled morning light. The foxglove is almost done for the year. Where we sometimes sit for morning coffee. Echinacea is blooming. Snapdragons too. Arugula flowers. Our wild … Continued
A colorful weekend in June ♥
There is a whole lot of lounging and ruminating happening around here these days. The bucks seem wily and restless, and the does are very restful. Babies should be born any day now!
First, I have to mention that these are all pictures from last year. Last summer to be exact. I was looking through my photo folders in search of a few favorites, for an order of postcards I just placed. I … Continued
We are home from our visit with family. It was a needed break from the day-to-day. We had a nice time, with both our families, who we wish we saw more often. Starting tonight, I will be catching up on … Continued