spring things
Hi there. I have been a bit absent here! I think I could blog everyday with a little something about the garden, but I am trying not to completely flood the blog with garden talk 🙂 Life has … Continued
Hi there. I have been a bit absent here! I think I could blog everyday with a little something about the garden, but I am trying not to completely flood the blog with garden talk 🙂 Life has … Continued
First, I have to mention that these are all pictures from last year. Last summer to be exact. I was looking through my photo folders in search of a few favorites, for an order of postcards I just placed. I … Continued
There has been a bit of a golden brown theme showing up in my photos the last few days. We got a few candid photographs of the rucksack in use. I know it helps to see a bag actually being … Continued
Living on the coast and in the trees offers me a unique opportunity to observe the life forms that live in their natural habitat right up close. As the summer really warms things up, the bees are returning (yay! we … Continued