pure life

posted in: nature, travel | 4

A slice of my own bit of heaven on earth. A quake of adventure, on a slippery, mossy, rocky ledge, where in a moment of tricky footing my pack nearly rolled into the depth of icy water below. An invitation … Continued

the best places on earth

posted in: nature | 3

This beach stands out as one of my favorite places on earth. Photos are from a recent visit back. If you have been following my blog for a long time, you might even recognize it ♥

the buck

posted in: nature | 4

    We are able to observe a lot of deer behavior at our place, and how their behavior changes through the seasons. We also see certain deer on a regular basis and have gotten to know them by their … Continued

the speed of now

posted in: Life, nature | 8

This weekend was a celebration of my arrival on earth, and we spent it enjoying all things earthly, in nature. We spent much of the weekend in and near the water, kayaking, swimming, picnicking. We watched a pair of baby … Continued

wild things

posted in: Life, nature | 3

    There is a whole lot of lounging and ruminating happening around here these days. The bucks seem wily and restless, and the does are very restful. Babies should be born any day now!