birds and bees and bikes

posted in: diy projects, Life, nature | 0

A few of the things that made my Wednesday.

I found this bumble bee on the floor in our living room, covered in fuzz and looking disoriented so I brought it outside and set it in a calendula flower. It wallowed in that flower for the longest time, sticking it’s beak in each little pollen filled anther, going around and around the flower, over and over again. Amazing. I watched it through the live view of my camera, zoomed way in. Wish I could transfer that to video to show you (you can click that first photo and it will get big). For any other nature nerds out there, this diagram is really nice

On nice days I like to bike my orders to the post office, but there are many days when there are too many packages to fit in my rucksack and on my puny little bike rack. So yesterday, we built a better rack! As soon as we finished, and strapped everything on, the sky turned dark and there was a MAJOR deluge… But now I am ready for all the nice days ahead.

Crossing our fingers that the chickadee who has been pecking a hole in the rotten trim board on our house, will decide to use this little cabin that my guy built for it instead.

0 Responses

  1. kathy

    Abby…..great attachment. Sent it to the pres of our garden club and to grandkids. Garth is always bringing me bugs, compost, pieces of moss to see, sniff and touch. Love the olive ruksack…..We have put up a bee house. Will see if we get any occupants.

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