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It’s raining today. The first real rain in 2 months! It was a little bit surprising at first (and I’m not quite ready for fall to be so near), but I’m savoring it, and I can feel the earth taking a long awaited drink. I slept quite late and we’re cozied up in sweaters, and even though we are both working, it’s been restful somehow.

This summer has been kind of a busy blur. There have been a lot of great things happening, preparations for things to come, ideas slowly culminating into realities and a lot of seeds have been planted which we will see flourish in the coming months and years. I’ve been pondering on ways to slow it on down though, and savor each day more. It’s amazing how tough it is to slow down in this world that seems to move so fast. What do you like to do to keep your busy lives in balance?

0 Responses

  1. marri

    yoga. walks on the beach for no particular reason other than – the ocean’s right there; why not? every once in a while, find a wonderful book to read all day long, with no “life” interruptions. (may i recommend “the particular sadness of lemon cake”?)

  2. Thumbly

    The temperature is low here in Italy too. I feel excited for the Autumn approaching. I like walking on the sand and looking at the sea. Taking care of my plants and talking with them. Sipping a tea, baking bread. Kissing my dears.

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